My Pride and Joy

My Pride and Joy
Joe with Missy

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Recent Happenings

It's been a few weeks since I posted.

Today, Joseph participated in Special Olympics State Games in Stillwater. He brought home a silver medal for 2nd place in bowling. He loves it!  It's always great to see all of the athletes as well as his classmates. Special Olympics is something that, I think, every person should participate in at least once in their lives..whether it be as a parent, volunteer, coach, cheerleader or fan. It is an awesome experience.

Last Saturday, Joseph attended his 2nd prom in high school. This year he went with Marie, one of his close friends and classmates of about 7 years. They looked terrific in their formal attire. they both had a blast and I got some great pictures that I will post at another time.

It is hard to think that the school year is coming to an end and Joseph will be 20 in a couple of weeks. Thank goodness he can continue to go to school for a while. I'm not sure I'm ready for him to graduate. This summer will be filled with Camp Tumbleweed for 8-9 weeks as well as his monthly weekend camp at Camp Benedictine. Camp Tumbleweed is a daycamp for kids with special needs. It is awesome and a great way for Joe to spend the long summer days. 

Will post more later. Time to settle him down for the evening.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Meeting Joseph

I met my pride and joy, Joseph, on June 1, 1996. He had just turned 4 in May. We met at a matching party put together by DHS for it's 'waiting children'. It was love at first sight. He was a very active little boy and never sat still. He was tiny and looked like a toddler. I will never forget that day. Joseph walked around with balloons tied to his arms and captured the hearts of everyone he met. No one was a stranger to him.

On June 14, 1996, Joseph became a member of our family. He was friendly to everyone and the whole family loved him immediately.  There was a huge 'welcome home' posse waiting at our house and Joseph never knew what hit him. I don't know who was more excited.

Fast forward 16 years and he is still the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, Little Man!!!